Wildwood Bloom Bouquet


Give this beautiful, glass vase with indentations to your loved one for Valentine’s day. Complete with fresh flowers. This vase will continue to bring a touch of beauty to your space! Style on your shelf or keep for greenery. It’s a versatile gift that they’ll treasure and it’ll continue to bring warmth and beauty into their space long after Valentine’s Day.

*Please order by February 10.

*Please note colors & textures & flowers will vary depending on availability.

*Local delivery available upon request for an additional fee

Overall Dimensions: 7" L x 7" W x 10" H

Colors: Clear Glass

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Give this beautiful, glass vase with indentations to your loved one for Valentine’s day. Complete with fresh flowers. This vase will continue to bring a touch of beauty to your space! Style on your shelf or keep for greenery. It’s a versatile gift that they’ll treasure and it’ll continue to bring warmth and beauty into their space long after Valentine’s Day.

*Please order by February 10.

*Please note colors & textures & flowers will vary depending on availability.

*Local delivery available upon request for an additional fee

Overall Dimensions: 7" L x 7" W x 10" H

Colors: Clear Glass

Give this beautiful, glass vase with indentations to your loved one for Valentine’s day. Complete with fresh flowers. This vase will continue to bring a touch of beauty to your space! Style on your shelf or keep for greenery. It’s a versatile gift that they’ll treasure and it’ll continue to bring warmth and beauty into their space long after Valentine’s Day.

*Please order by February 10.

*Please note colors & textures & flowers will vary depending on availability.

*Local delivery available upon request for an additional fee

Overall Dimensions: 7" L x 7" W x 10" H

Colors: Clear Glass

Local Artwork by Emily Godfrey
Craft Candle
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